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Who we are

Level7 was founded in 2010 as an Internet Service Provider providing wireless access to residential customers , companies and public administrations in Sicily.

Thanks to our proprietary  infrastructure, we have brought broadband to municipalities, small villages and rural areas of central-western Sicily not covered by the Internet, contributing to the reduction of the “digital divide” in those areas.

Recently, we have expanded and diversified our commercial offering, mainly targeting the Business and Public Administration segments

Today we provide Internet access services across the entire Italian territory in various technologies (Fibre, VDSL, Wireless, dedicated circuits), VoIP telephony and virtual PBX, backup connectivity and cybersecurity services, housing and hosting services, private Cloud, creation and management of network and IT infrastructures, software development.

We are registered at the AGCOM-ROC (Register of Communication Operators) and we are a RIPE LIR . We are partner of OpenFiber as well we have commercial agreements with the main Italian operators in order to provide the best possible internet access everywhere.

Our proprietary network is directly interconnected to the main Italian Internet Exchange Points (MIX and  MINAP in Milan) and we are members of the NAMEX consortium (Rome) in order to guarantee service continuity and resilience.


We strongly believe in the value of innovation, investing in Research & Development projects and initiatives at a European level.

We are member of the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA), which represents “the voice of European industry and research for next generation networks and services” in the field of 5G and SNS/6G.

Our constant commitment to research activities allows us to explore new technologies, always keeping our skills updated to offer technologically advanced solutions. This is why research in areas such as 5G/6G, Edge & Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence is our priority.

Over ten years of experience in the Telecommunications and Information Technology sector, a constant commitment to innovation and a passion for what we do, make Level7 the ideal partner for connectivity, networking and IT services & consultancy.