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HE Cluster 3 Info Day

The Info Days relating to “Cluster 3 – Civil Security for Society” of Horizon Europe (HE) Programme took place in Brussels on the 12-13 June 2024.

HE Cluster 3 calls offer research funding opportunities on Security issues related to the following six “destinations”:

  • Better protect the EU and its citizens against crime and terrorism, 
  • Effective management of EU external borders, 
  • Resilient Infrastructure, 
  • Increased Cybersecurity
  • A Disaster-Resilient Society for Europe,
  • Strengthened Security Research and Innovation.

The Info Day was organized by the network of National Contact Points (NCPs) of Cluster 3 – SEREN5, in collaboration with DG HOME and the European Research Executive Agency (REA), with the aim of:

  • highlighting research topics covered within the 2024 calls for proposals in Cluster 3 and
  • giving the opportunity to join a matchmaking session dedicated to civil security topics.

The event was attended by representatives of research institutes, universities, industries, SMEs, civil society organizations and other security stakeholders, coming from various European countries and beyond.

Level7 was there.

We had the opportunity to generate new contacts for possible future collaborations, but also to meet people with whom we have already collaborated in previous research projects.

The Pitch session was an opportunity to listen to new project ideas at an international level and gather interesting insights.

Are you looking for project partners for the HE Cluster 3 calls?

Contact us to identify collaboration opportunities on topics such as Resilient Infrastructures and Cybersecurity.