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SecurIT Final Event

SecurIT is a European research project funded under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.

This project supported 95 SMEs from 23 different countries across Europe (Level7 was one of them) in developing innovative digital solutions for safer cities and territories and resilient critical infrastructures.

Through two Open Calls, SecurIT selected a total of 42 projects aimed at developing new prototypes or demonstrators in the security and cybersecurity domains.

Our Kaleidoscope project was one of the funded projects under the Open Call #1.

This is why we couldn’t miss the Final Event of the SecurIT project, which took place on 21 May in Paris.

This event was dedicated to celebrating the conclusion of the project and the results achieved and was an occasion for the SecurIT partners & whole community to meet in person. Most of the 42 projects funded by SecurIT were present.

It was therefore a great opportunity to connect with other participating SMEs and expand our professional network.

For further information on Kaleidoscope you can read more on our post or on the SecurIT website: