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Kaleidoscope project completed!

Level7 led the consortium made up of 2 Italian SMEs (us and Grifonline) and an Irish one (WirelessConnect) that worked on the Kaleidoscope project.

Kaleidoscope was funded under the Open Call #1 of the SecurIT project, aimed at supporting European SMEs in the development of new prototypes or demonstrators in the fields of security and cybersecurity.

The SecurIT Open Call #1 supported us in translating our feasibility plan into a protoype ready for the go-to-market step, allowing us to design the overall architecture, address the technological challenges and define a roadmap to evolve the Kaleidoscope platform with new features and AI-based traffic analysis.

In August 2023, we successfully completed the project, releasing an innovative DDoS mitigation platform.

Learn more about Kaleidoscope at:

In a nutshell, Kaleidoscope provides a future-proof architecture that can rapidly evolve and adapt to the most complex DDoS attacks to protect the continuity of your business.

What is a DDoS attack?
Imagine you are suddenly in a highway traffic jam that prevents you from moving in any direction and from arriving at your destination.

When you are targeted by a DDoS attack, your systems (for example, networked computers) are suddenly flooded with Internet traffic generated by an attacker, resulting in overloading your servers or network, causing your website or services to suddenly become slow or unavailable.

This kind of attack is increasingly frequent and affects both large and small companies, blocking their normal operations.

Prevention remains the best strategy to protect your business from these attacks! Taking action when the threat has already occurred may be too late.

Contact us to find out how the Kaleidoscope platform can help your company protect its strategical assets (e.g. digital services, critical infrastructures, etc.) from DDoS attacks!